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Feb 23 min read
The Lover - Applying a Supreme Court decision to decision making
Justice Potter Stewart said, "I know it when I see it" when ruling on Jacobellis vs. Ohio. His opinion is applicable to a lot more.

Jan 55 min read
How low did you go - How to measure if you are writing a work order to the right asset
How low in the asset hierarchy should you go for a work order? We show how you can measure this to see how good you are doing.

Aug 5, 20242 min read
An escalation policy through the lens of an investment
I remember my first breakdown like it was yesterday. It was a Sunday when I responded to a breakdown of the cold mill's left-tilt...

Jun 5, 20245 min read
For education sake. Find a mentor.
Learning through experience is exponentially more valuable with a mentor, as long as you want to be the mentee.

Oct 8, 20233 min read
And down goes a fan.
The score was 8 to 1 in the middle of the fifth, and the Pittsburgh Pirates were losing. Not exactly surprising considering the team’s...

Apr 9, 20235 min read
What is compliance when doing PMs?
Too frequently, I have seen departments measure the effectiveness of their asset management by pontificating their PM Compliance....

Feb 19, 20234 min read
The PF Curve is limited due to the lack of a Y2 axis.
Take a moment and Google search PF Curves. You will find images of a positive Y-intercept curve with a negative slope that becomes more...

Nov 27, 20225 min read
Understanding the prerequisite to a failure
A quote I remember a mentor of mine said years ago was, if you find yourself bored, just wait 5 more minutes, something will blow up. Of...

Nov 20, 20223 min read
This training is boring, so let's rip it up.
Like many people, I would have to imagine that most of us get sick of the same stagnant training approach that has been in place for what...

Oct 16, 20224 min read
We are problem solvers during investigations, not storytellers
Recently I have been researching for examples of problem-solving that have gone wrong. I wanted to understand specific examples, some of...

Aug 28, 20225 min read
Yup, I did my first TikTok to explore the effectiveness of training videos.
Regardless of the type of manufacturing that we are in, it is safe to assume that we have plenty of standard operating procedures (SOPs)....

Jul 10, 20224 min read
Smile. Let's see those estimates.
Finding things in everyday life that empower you to evaluate statistics or theorize estimates on a scenario has always been fun for my...

Jun 15, 20224 min read
"Criticality" for $1000, please.
How is "criticality" used? The word “criticality” is often used out of context within manufacturing. I often hear someone say, “that is...

Jun 6, 20224 min read
Which revision are you referencing?
Revision versions are funny things. Revisions may exist in your engineered drawings, tracking incremental improvements, and enhancements....

Mar 7, 20224 min read
Who is your department's helpline for projects?
My zipper broke on my winter jacket the other day and I was able to contact the manufacturer, work through a claim, and have it repaired....

Feb 22, 20222 min read
"No-rep" on that pushup
In some form or another, supply chains appear to be a challenge in every market. Combined with the disruptions in supply chains,...
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Feb 6, 20224 min read
When Does Your Analysis Reach a Point of Diminishing Return?
We all fall on both sides of the fence when solving problems. We are either on the receiving end of problems to solve or we are the...

Feb 6, 20223 min read
Don't Get an Immediate Consensus on Where OEE Delays Get Bucketed. Save That For Later.
Are you interested in starting to measure effectiveness with Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) on a production unit? To start, I...

Jan 27, 20225 min read
Improving the schedule compliance of your own meeting schedule.
In the COVID world that we live in, we have transitioned to a world that can have a Zoom or Teams meeting at any time. No more do we need...

Jan 24, 20223 min read
TIMWOODS doesn't like Munchkins. But everyone else does.
TIMWOODS was recently seen at a Dunkin’Ⓡ , ordering the option of 10 MunchkinsⓇ. Like previous times, TIMWOODS did not get ten when 10...
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